3-Phase 120/208V Integration

  • This article is not meant to replace the installation guide available at the Training Center
  • Only certified installers may work on Franklin WH systems, working on a Franklin WH system without certification may deem the system out of warranty


System Compatibility with 120/208V Configuration

The system supports a 120/208V configuration, which can be set during the commissioning process under system parameters. Selecting the incorrect service type may cause the aGate to fault, so it's crucial to verify the correct voltage before setup.

How to Identify a 120/208V Service

  • In a standard split-phase (120/240V) system, the voltage between L1 and L2 should be equal to the sum of L1-N + L2-N. For example, if L1-N = 120V and L2-N = 120V, then L1-L2 = 240V.
  • In a 120/208V three-phase system, the line-to-line voltage (L1-L2, L2-L3, L3-L1) is approximately 208V, which is not equal to the sum of L1-N + L2-N.

Single-phase 120/240Three-phase 120/208
N-L1 + N-L2 = L1-L2N-L1 + N-L2 ≠ L1-L2

To confirm your service type, you can:

  1. Use a multimeter to check the voltages between phases and neutral.
  2. Verify using FleetView (see reference below).

Generator integration with a 120/208 system

The FHP does not support 3-phase generators or 120V single-phase generators. Only 240V split-phase generators with a 4-wire connection (L1, L2, neutral and ground) are supported.

Rob is the author of this solution article.

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