APBox Troubleshooting

  • This guide is not meant to replace the installation guide available at the Training Center
  • Only certified installers may work on Franklin WH systems, working on a Franklin WH system without certification may deem the system out of warranty


1. Confirm the access mode is set according to the project configuration

Use the installer app to confirm the access mode is set according to how the project was designed, the available configurations are:

Grid-side (upstream main supply side) 

Load-side ( power supply from the load panel, power generation panel or back-up lugs )

Solar Meter Upstream (Power supply directly from the Solar inverter)


2.  Measure the AC voltage at slots TB1 (L1+N) and (L2+N)

After verifying the design configuration, measure the AC voltage at slots TB1 (L1+N) and (L2+N). If the voltage readings are correct, proceed to the next step. If no voltage is detected, inspect the wiring and power breakers, paying particular attention to the Neutral wire.

3. Measure AC and DC voltages at the DC power supply

Measure the AC voltage at the upper slots of the DC Power device, which should read 120 VAC, and the DC voltage at the lower slots, which should be 12 VDC. These readings verify the proper operation of the device. If no voltage is detected, please contact customer support, as the DC power supply may require replacement.


4. Relay Test

Verify the relay by measuring the AC voltage at the upper slots. A reading of 240 VAC indicates that the relay is in good condition. If there is no voltage,  please contact customer support 

5. Communication Cable Verification

Inspect and verify the communication cables to ensure they are correctly connected. In slot TB3, we bridge between DO+ and DO-. If the contactor closes correctly, it indicates that the APBox is functioning properly. We also verify the continuity of the communication cables.

Make sure proper conductors are used for this connection, the use of Cat5 or Cat6 wire is not recommended 

Recommended conductor
TerminalWire Gauge (Copper)Torque Lb*In (N*m)Strip Length In (mm)
TB316-20 AWG4.5 (0.5)0.28 (7)

If all connections are correct according to the diagram above measure their continuity, and verify the connections in the DO/EPODI1 and RS485 green blocks.   If the problem persists, please contact customer support as the EMS may need replacement. 


After completing these steps, the system should be functioning correctly. If issues persist, further tests or adjustments may be necessary.

Adrian is the author of this solution article.

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