What networking options does aGate provide?
Our aGate provides three networking options: Ethernet, Wifi, and 4G.
What Wifi frequency bands does the aGate support?
Our aGate supports the 2.4GHz and 5GHz band. It is recommended to keep your WLAN router near your aGate A wired ethernet connection is the preferred method.
I just got my system installed, how do I check my FHP System on my phone?
We have a FranklinWH app that you can monitor your system and change operating modes through.
We have sold the house and need to transfer
You need to unbind your own account first. The new homeowner needs to download FranklinWH app, sign up and bind the account to the FHP system. You may also give your account information to the new house owner. If you need help, just give us a call!
What is the best working mode for me?
There is a lot to consider in this decision.
1. Get the following information:
- Your solar generation capacity (how much is it expected to produce yearly in kilowatt hours?)
- Confirmation that the solar capacity can satisfy your home power needs (how much is it going to offset the home usage?)
- Your local electricity pricing list (some utilities buy back power at high rates or have peak hours, very important to understand yours)
- Frequency of utility outages in your area
- Off Grid- or Grid Tied System?
2. Consult your Installer
Consult your Franklin certified installer once you know what you want your system to do and they can ensure it is designed correctly for your needs, if you want to change a programming setting later, feel free to call us or them if you need help.
Can I charge my car when I am off-grid?
Yes. If there is sufficient charge in the battery, the solar installation or generator, the system will provide that energy to a vehicle.
What if I want to add more batteries?
We recommend contacting your local installer for a quote. If you need help locating a certified installer, just give us a call.
How do I keep my FHP clean?
• Clean the equipment surface using a soft cloth. If water is needed, please make sure the cloth is slightly damp (water only) and the equipment is completely de-energized.
• Don’t block the vents.
How long does it take for my house to switch to backup battery power when the grid goes down?
Less than 16ms.
What happens if ambient temperature is getting higher than recommended?
When the ambient temperature is very high, the aPower shuts down to ensure FHP operational safety.
How long is the FranklinWH Warranty period?
FranklinWH provides a 12-year warranty starting from the installation date or twelve (12) months from manufacture date, whichever comes first.
What Grid Packages does FHP system support?
FHP supports the following grid packages: NEM+; CSS; CGS; CGS+; BB&NEM; BB&CSS; BB&CGS+; and NEM2.0.
Does FHP support Time-of-Use Plans?
Yes! Our FHP supports time-of-use plans based on the customer’s local electricity charge variations during days and between days. Shifting time electricity use to the off-peak hours helps users to cut down their energy costs.
Which loads can the FHP system power?
Franklin Home Power is designed as a power backup system for the whole home and is able to serve as a backup power supply for all home loads during the electricity outage period. These loads include the 120V loads, such as lamps, plugs and low-power home appliances, and 240V loads, such as air conditioners, electric cookers, pumps, EVs, clothes dryers, water heaters, and swimming pool pumps.
The backup power capacity and runtime of your FHP system depend on how many aPower units and power-consuming devices you have and the energy consumption pattern at your home.
What are backup and non backup loads?
Backup loads: These loads need to be ready and available 24 hours a day and need to be available during the grid power outage periods.
Non-backup loads: These loads are non-essential devices which will not adversely affect the life quality if they stop working during the power outage period.