Generator Testing Checklist
1- Test the generator with the PV and Grid off, and the battery SOC the same as (lower SOC limit).
• Monitor voltage, frequency, and power.
- System reading voltage ………………………. L1-L2 = V to V
- Multimeter reading voltage …………………. L1-L2 = V to V
- System reading frequency ……………… Hz to Hz
- Multimeter reading frequency ……….. Hz to Hz
- Load Power ………………………………… Kw
- Battery Power……………………………… Kw
- Gen Power……...………………………….. Kw
• Verify wiring that is polarized? ………………………… Y/N
• Check if the generator has a breaker correct? …… Y/N
• Check dry contacts, are they good? ………………. Y/N
• Check Power Duty ………………………………………. .
• Passed the test with the PV and Grid turned off? .
2- Test the exercise function with different intervals and durations.
• Reading with 5 min interval ................................ .
• Reading with 10 min interval …..……………………… .
• Reading with 15 min interval …..……………………… .
• Monitoring voltage, frequency
- System reading voltage …………………. L1-L2 = V
- Multimeter reading voltage ……………. L1-L2 = V
- System reading frequency……….. .Hz to .Hz
- Multimeter reading frequency….. .Hz to . Hz
• Passed the exercise test?...................................... .